Get outdoors and enjoy the waterfall at Bridal Veil Falls in Bothell, Washington

Bridal Veil Falls

A beautiful waterfall flows out of Lake Serene and cascades below the rugged east wall of Mount Index at the end of a trail on the west side of Bridal Veil Creek. Take time to see and enjoy a stunning view of Bridal Veil Falls and climb flights of steps paralleling the falls.

Children will be fascinated as they stand directly beside the water and look up a 100-foot rock face to see the streams of water that make up the bridal veil pouring beside them. An old nearby mine, the Honeymoon Mine, brought the original nineteenth-century travelers to the Lake Serene area.

Feel the wet spray and awesome power of the waterfall as you look up a 100-foot rock face and see broad streams of water pouring over it like a veil. Watch it disappear below wide views of the Index Wall and North Fork Skykomish valley.

The secret is out though. The parking lot overflows and the trail gets busy on summer weekends with a wide variety of hikers.

The trail starts off very mild, following an abandoned road for about ¾ of the way through forest of large alders, moss covered maple, and later old growth conifers. It can get wet in places as small streams are crossed.

At 1.5 miles the Lake Serene trail forks to the left, and crosses a bridge with a view of the lower falls. Stay right, and the trail climbs through a rocky stretch, ascends several stairways, and at two miles ends at the dramatic Bridal Veil Falls. You will be impressed.


Bridal Veil Falls

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Lake Serene


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